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what group of people was sold as slaves and taken to america

Ancestral Homelands Of Slaves In The U.s.a.

Slaves with an American General in the United states in the 19th century.

The U.s. Slave Merchandise

The history of slavery in the US is long and complex. Participation in the African slave trade and utilize of African slaves provided the building block from which the economic system was congenital. Many industries and investors profited from their free labor. The legacy of slavery persists in the social mural of the country to this day.

Slavery began in the US during the 17th century when European settlers were looking for cheaper labor to work in the tobacco, cotton, and rice fields. A Dutch transport brought the first African slaves to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 and for the side by side 200 years, sailors brought hundreds of thousands of slaves across the Atlantic Bounding main from Africa. Warring tribes in Africa would frequently capture their enemies and substitution them at European trading posts for guns, booze, and other manufactured goods. This system created what is now referred to as triangular trade with Europeans sailing to Africa to trade goods for people and then taking the people to trade for crops and so finally, taking those crops back to Europe.

Biggest Slave Markets

So where did slave traders notice the majority of the slaves who were taken to the U.s.a.? The ships stopped along the western coast of Africa to do trading. And then many people were taken from here and sold into slavery in fact, that it is referred to as the Slave Coast. One-quarter of all slaves taken to the US came from Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These individuals belonged to the Kongo and Mbundu tribes and were largely traded to the Portuguese.

The next biggest group of individuals forced into slavery were the Bamileke, Bubi, Ibibio, Igbo, and Tikar tribes. Together, they made up 22% of all American slaves and were originally from present-day Republic of cameroon, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea. Many of the slaves from here had been domestic slaves in Africa. When the people of these countries, particularly Nigeria, learned of the dandy demand for slaves, they went off to starting time wars with neighboring towns and tribes to increase the number of captives who could be traded for manufactured appurtenances.

Other significant indigenous groups that fabricated upwardly the majority of American slaves include the: Mende and Temne from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (fifteen%); Fula, Mandinka, and Wolof from Gambia, Mauritania, and Senegal (fourteen%); and Akan and Fon from Benin, Republic of ghana, and Ivory Coast (xiii%).

Other tribal members were also traded into slavery in smaller proportions. These groups include the: Kru and Mande from Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (5%); Allada, Ewe, Mahi, Yoruba (4%); and Makua and Malagasy from Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania (ii%).

Cultural Influence

All of these varying cultures brought with them their beliefs and traditions which were later blended and adopted in their new strange land. Music, song, trip the light fantastic and food have all been influenced by the African slave legacy. Hand clapping and tapping feet took the place of drums when those were prohibited (slave owners learned that they could be used to communicate) and new instruments later joined the scene after their invention past African slaves: the fiddle, the banjo, and the bells. Reading and writing were also prohibited amidst slaves, so they turned to oral traditions that accept given the American culture many famous folk tales. They also influenced what is today known as gospel, jazz, and dejection music. Southern nutrient with its beans, greens, cornbread, and fried chicken wouldn't be what it is today without the food traditions of African slaves.


After years of fighting, bloodshed, and lost lives, the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln on January ane, 1863. The proclamation pronounced all slaves in the south every bit "gratuitous men". Merely, it was not until June of 1865 that the Matrimony Army had command of the southern states and could free the slaves still existence held in captivity.

Where Did Slaves In The United states of america Originate From?

Ethnic Groups Origins (Modern Countries) Per centum of American Slaves
Kongo and Mbundu Angola, DR Congo, Republic of the Congo 25%
Bamileke, Bubi, Ibibio, Igbo, and Tikar Republic of equatorial guinea, Cameroon, and Nigeria 22%
Mende and Temne Republic of guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone fifteen%
Fula, Mandinka, and Wolof Gambia, Islamic republic of mauritania, and Senegal 14%
Akan and Fon Republic of benin, Ghana, and Ivory Coast 13%
Kru and Mande Ivory Declension, Liberia, and Sierra Leone 5%
Allada, Ewe, Mahi, and Yoruba Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo 4%
Makua and Malagasy Republic of madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania 2%


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